Heather's Thairy

Heather's journey to Bangkok, Thailand: a year of adventure!

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Technical Difficulties

So, my ambitious plan for the daily posting has been foiled...but I will still make an attempt to post fairly often. No pictures yet, because I am posting from the school!
It is beautiful, brand new and very well-outfitted. The computer I am using right now is probably worth more than my life.
I won't go into a lot of detail right now, just a quick update:
Got to Bangkok no problem. Will post about the flights another time.
The people are nice, the weather is hot, the shopping dangerous (cheap and plentiful, that is).
I've been told my assignment is actually grades 4,5,6 science ONLY. I'm pretty excited about that, the school is very well equipped for science.
My apartment is fine, quite a bit larger than I thought it would be, and completely BUG-FREE!!!

The technical difficulties have been with setting up my internet connection in my room: it was supposed to be up and ready to go yesterday afternoon but much to my dismay it wasn't. I'll have to see the manager about getting it hooked up today or later this week.
In the meantime it will be short entries like this with no pictures (sorry) but I'm trying to remember everything I want to tell everyone about so when I'm all internet-readied I will have tons to post!

I miss Canada but I'm also having a great time here!

Until next time,

Monday, April 24, 2006

Leaving On A Jet Plane

I leave tomorrow morning at 11 AM on a Westjet flight to LA. I get there at 1:00 (their time) and leave again for Taipei on China Airlines at 3:15. I'm a tiny bit worried about navigating the Los Angeles airport within two hours, but I should be okay. After 13 hours in the air and a two hour stopover in Taipei, I land in BANGKOK!!!
Not too sure if I am in an apartment with wireless internet, so I don't know when the first Thai-based entry will be up, but even if I don't have a connection right away you can bet I'll be taking tons of pictures!!!
Wish me luck!

Until next time,

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Just about the only information I have about where I'm going is from the two brochures I got at the presentation I went to way back in October.
To ease your minds, here's a sample of what's in store for me:

There are three buildings at Lertlah Schools- I am in Building 3 (the newest one!) teaching in the English program.

The school is very well-equipped with indoor and outdoor pools, computer labs, cooking labs, libraries...

I have P4 (which is like Grade 4 here); there are 35 students in a class. I will be teaching Math, Science and Language Arts.

Not too long before I'll be posting the real deal!

Until next time,

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Start Me Up

Here, officially, is the first post on Heather's YEAR ABROAD BLOG!!!
I'm leaving on April 25th for Bangkok, Thailand, and hope to post fairly regularly to communicate with the folks back home.
Stay tuned for insights, info, pictures and tales...
In the meantime, I'll be trying to finish my schoolwork (ONE MORE ESSAY!), see everyone one more time, and figure out how to pack my life into a suitcase. Oh, and come to terms with the fact that I'm LEAVING THE COUNTRY!!!

A few notes on this blog:
1. I am making this available to all my friends, family, coworkers, colleagues and former students.
2. I will allow comments, because I would love to hear back, but keep in mind the audience of this blog may be very young (or very old). Monitor yourself so I don't have to...but you know I still will.
3. I will still maintain my personal blog, those of you who know it can check that out. Don't feel left out if you don't know it!
4. Kids: the internet is full of stuff you don't want to see or know about. Only go to sites your parents or teachers say are safe.

Until next time,